Thursday, January 25, 2007

To Sew Or Not To Sew

I just realized that I'm one of those people who once a year, decide they need a hobby. They then go out and buy supplies, books, and other paraphernalia in support of this new "hobby", thinking that it will be easy and in no time they will be well on their way to become an expert in said "hobby". Hmmm, let me see ... one year it was a mountain bike, another year it was a scrapbook, and then another year it was jewelry-making, and yet another year it was art supplies, and then last year it was crocheting. Oh and there's the long-time staple, fitness equipment. (Well, at least I have not yet bought an abdominizer.) Sad to say, everything has amounted to just more unused stuff hidden in some drawer somewhere. Well, it looks like it's that time of year for me, and I guess this year it is sewing. I would like to make my own clothes, in manner of Wendy of Built by Wendy. (I love her clothes - I'm itching to buy her book - Sew U - The Built By Wendy Guide To Making Your Own Wardrobe. But writing this blog entry just makes me realize that:

a. I haven't had a hobby that has actually flourished and has produced tangible results.

b. Even if a turns out to be untrue for this new hobby and I actually sew something, I run the risk of producing something a cat won't drag in. (I'm imagining those playclothes Maria had sewn in "The Sound of Music" out of Captain Von Trapp's curtains. Hideous! Yikes.)

What's a girl to do?

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