Friday, January 12, 2007


I just noticed that I like making lists. Much like that John Cusack character in 'High Fidelity'. Or like Mia Thermopolis and Lily Moscovitz in "The Princess Diaries". Even Bridget Jones made lists. So here's a list of my favorite lists:
1. Your Desert Island Five (Top 5 Men or Women You Would Love To Be Stranded On a Desert Island With)
2. iPod Playlists (it's like a Mixtape, really.)
3. Top 10 Movies of All Time (I would really have a hard time limiting this to 10. 100 is too much though.)
4. 10 Things I Hate About Something. Anything.
5. A List of Food That You Would Like To Eat Everyday Without Having To Worry About Getting Fat and Maxing Out Your Visa (or Die Of High Cholesterol)

Speaking of lists, I am reminded of that ubiquitous list, the shopping list. I always make one for Phong before he heads out to the supermarket. Somehow he always loses it before heading out.

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